Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Postponed Again?

I'm scheduled to give a talk to the Historical Society tonight.

This is the third try. And we've got a prediction for snow again tonight. Is this talk just not supposed to be?

I've had better luck on the Front Page presentation. Did that last Thursday - and it was a great presentation, but way too long. Tonight we're back to a Greta presentation.

Preliminary to that I'm watching on old, old Harry Carey Western with Greta in a fairly large co-starring role. Two things strike me about this serial, Carey's age and the clomp, clomp of the horse hoofs.

Carey was in his mid-fifties when he did this Western series, and he looks it. He's not the young, dashing cowboy hero, he's the cowboy as a tired, middle aged battler of evil (incarnated in a very fat Noah Berry).

And the hoof beats a just like they're supposed to be - if Monty Python's horses are any gauge of horse clomps. They sound just like the coconuts being clomped. Probably because they were.

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