Next up, Bette Zehnder and Joyce Pigge - early academic alerts. We're now having two types of early alerts. Oh, boy! This may be confusing.
We're going over standard procedures. Interestingly, all the forms we need are now on the local area network, on a drive to which faculty have only access to read, but not to write. This drive was a new addition last year, and is a welcome one. Materials used to be in Public Folders on Outlook. That tended to be confusing. Now we have many things in two places, and we haven't made a policy that says, "What you need will all be in one place and that place is. . ."
Withdrawl from courses is now under discussion. What Bette's explaining seems to be news to the faculty. I'm not sure why. This is not a new procedure.
Joyce is now talking about Athletic eligibility and a guide she has prepared. This is now in Public Folders on Outlook. There's the confusion.
Denise is inviting us to the library. We can use the library catalog from home now!
Then came the Dean. Good news - we aren't going to fail every accreditation we face. Bad news, we have three visits coming in quick succession. Good news, we don't have division meetings anymore. Bad news, we need to have departmental meetings and get to business taking care of business. Good news, we have a new, revised Faculty Handbook. Bad news, we have a New Revised Faculty Handbook, and we need to read it and fix it.
And then I had to go! And the laptop shut down due to running out of battery. So that's it.
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