Monday, August 6, 2007

It's Hot Out There

I just looked at the Weather Channel, and it's 100 degrees. I was out trying to get my lawn mower to start, without success. I guess I'm going to let it go for a few, and try to find someone to fix whatever is wrong with the mower.

It is hot!

Ran into Skippy on the street and she was definitely NOT enjoying herself. It's as Hot as - well you know - she said. Oh I know, said I, but it isn't as hot as that. It isn't as hot as Baghdad, but it is hot!

Despite it all, work still goes on at the college. Swensson Avenue is being torn up. Walls are being painted in Presser Hall, new walls being erected. Tomorrow they'll put in a new sewer main.

We've only got a few weeks before students return in force, and we have a long way to go to get things done.

Let's hope the heat of the next three days doesn't do us in!

Lindsborg Folkdanslag is back at work tonight! Video of the first practice later today.

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